Thursday, February 09, 2006

Natasha's Theory of Continued Evolution

Here is a thought I had the other day when I sat down and tried to write a letter.

I firmly believe that the next step in human evolution, the next big change in our culture, our lifestyles, our physical entities, will not be something like out of the Chrysalids. Sure, maybe someday we'll be able to communicate with think-shapes, but first (and perhaps this is but the first step towards it)....

DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!!! .......

We're going to forget how to handwrite. Yep. I think it's true. Now listen to my reasons.

The reason I had this thought in the first place was that when I sat down to write some good ol' fashioned snail mail to a dear friend of mine, it felt positively strange. I think the only things i've written in a looonng time are post-it note reminders. My writing was messy, my style was awkward, and my letter was ugly. I didn't get very far and I was so entirely dissatisfied with it, that I decided to start over, only this time I would type it.

The minute I sat down at the keyboard something magical happened. I felt comfortable. As I typed, the feeling of awkwardness totally disapeared, my normal style resumed, and life was good again.

Think about it. The first thing that's going to go is cursive writing. It will soon be "the new calligraphy". How many people write in cursive writing when they even bother to write at all? The only think I write cursively is my signature, which consequently looks the same as it did when I was in grade 7 i'm sure. Even in school these days, sure kids learn to write early, but then all their stories and reports and assignments are done by computer.

What about doctors? They are some of the most educated and respected people around today, and who can read anything they write? Think of survival of the fittest....the theory (law?) of natural selection --> only the smartest/strongest/fastests/best creatures evolve and survive...surely doctors must be in that group?

When I was trying to express myself in the letter, I found myself needing to use the syntax for all the emoticons commonly used in msn and emails. :) ;) :S Soon everybody will put everything, including reminders into electronic devices like blackberries and palm pilots. Eventually, the post-it note, paperclip, and pen companies are all doomed.

Think I'm crazy yet? Or brilliant? :P


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