Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Canadian Accent, through the ears of a Brit

My dear friend Ed recently proposed a very serious mission for me. Being the brave girl I am, I accepted the challenge.

Find out how English people perceive the Canadian accent.

Alright, so I went straight to the source and asked my friend English Matt. I really have to directly quote our conversation, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did :)


Natasha says:
Hey Matty...question for you.... what does a Canadian accent sound like to you guys? Does it sound funny....how would you describe it?

English Matt says:
Well that be a toughee......it doesnt sound funny.....it sounds perfectly normal without the stupidity of a south american.....so you sound classy is what im trying to say

Natasha says:
haha REALLY?!?!

English Matt says:
Well.....yeah. Ive heard some god awful accents that enrage me and give me urges to kill.......but the Canadian brings out my soft and fluffy side....as in i would listen to a Canadian conference and not go on a murderous rampage.

Well there you have it folks. The Canadian accent, through the ears of a Brit. :P


At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

brits are hawt.

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Janani said...

Wow... I would never have thought of the Canadian accent as 'classy'... although I guess it depends on what you compare it to.

Yay for accents! (British, Scottish, Australian....)


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