Friday, February 10, 2006

May Day kicks Valentine's Day's bum

There's a carnival going on in a nearby town this weekend where everybody dresses up in costume and goes a lil crazy...

It's sort of like what they do instead of Halloween.. They never actually had Halloween here before, they just started something like 4 years ago. Wouldnt that be so weird...can you imagine all of a sudden your country introduces a new holiday that you never celebrated before? Same deal with Valentines day, that just came over here about 4 years ago too.

Oh but Nini told me about an even cooler German makes Valentines day seem soooo lame! Ok so it's called May Day, and it's on the first of May. And if a guy likes a girl, he gives her a maple tree lol! Not flowers...but a TREE...a big one! It's anonymous, and they'll go out and cut down a maple tree and tie it up outside the girls window or something, and decorate it with ribbons. Now THAT is effort! What is this go to the corner store and buy flowers or chocolate garbage lol....they cut down TREES! And it's even better, because it can be sort of like a competition. Like, if a guy gives a girl a tree, and then another guy goes to give a tree and finds one tree already there, they'll cut the first one down and take it away. So sometimes they'll sit and watch all night to make sure nobody takes the tree away...i can't even believe it! Oh and there's the opposite thing too...if somebody really hates a girl they'll put up a tree covered in tin cans...

These German boys really know how to do it :P So advice time you're thinking of giving a girl flowers....go cut down a tree instead. Damn that'd be flattering.... Haha oohhh i've got this mental picture of a guy in a suit at somebody's door step trying to hold out a tree to a girl the same way you'd hold out a bouquet of flowers.... what would you even do in that situation?


At 1:45 PM, Blogger Janani said...

LOVED this post. I agree, a tree is a lot more effort (and a lot more unique) - love the idea, lol.

I do think introducing a holiday would be weird though - but so fun! How did they introduce it? I just picture ads on tv saying that 'on this date you should buy your girl a tree' lol.

I miss you - have an excellent V-Day!


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