Friday, February 17, 2006

Stalking is NOT the sincerest form of flattery...

Had a few requests to tell my stalker story... I thought i'd already mentioned that, but apparently my story-tellin' skills are lacking :P Alright, well I must keep my audience happy so here goes...

We'll call him Mr. S. for anonymity...although why i should do that i'm not sure, it's not like he had any consideration for me....bah.

Ok, so Mr. S. happens to be the roommate of two of the other co-ops here, who i spend a lot of time with. This guy is from Seria, so our religions, morals, values and ideas on all things important (including women...) are totally different, and to this day i can NOT understand why he was interested in me...but he was. Is. I don't know...either way he leaves me alone now. It really didn't help that the guys were egging him on. That was really inconsiderate of them, towards both him and me, but they thought it was funny and wouldn't listen to my requests/demands that they stop filling his head with nonsense about how to win my affection, until things had gone way too far. Mr. S knew i had a boyfriend, but my so-called friends actually went so far as to tell him that my relationship with my boyfriend was on the rocks, that i was crying every night and that i really needed somebody new to comfort me. With friends like that...who needs enemies.

Here's where the creepy stuff happens. Somebody adds me to msn...guess who it is. this point..not a big deal. So i talk to him, ask him how he got my contact info, and he won't tell me. Says "Don't ask me how i get things, I always get what I want." MmmHmmm....creep. I found out later how he got it... the very first day I moved in I didn't have internet connection yet, so I borrowed his computer and logged in on web messenger. He got my address from that. He wasn't even an msn user before...he downloaded it solely to talk to me. So after a few more creepy exchanges that night I block him. I don't block anybody...he's currently the only person on my list blocked. So he creates a new email address and tries to add me again. Could he not take a hint? Apparently not, it gets worse. The next day I was walking home from work and I see somebody peering out a window at me. Not looking out the window, actually peering. Face pressed against the glass, watching. You know who it was. When I was out of view of that window, i caught site of a curtain being whipped open out of the corner of my eye, and looked to see him now watching me from another window. I wanted to vomit. Here's where I decided enough is enough. Scott will be happy to know that my don training and experience with talking to difficult people in difficult situations came in handy here.... When i went up to my room and checked my email, there was one from Mr. was completely empty, except for the title, which said something along the lines of 'stop blocking me because i know you're doing it right now'. Good gawd! I mean some people are thick, but this guy wants to become a doctor....i thought i was sending some veerrryy clear 'leave me alone' signals...

So i talked to him. I won't go into the details of the conversation, but it was very short, and while I was polite and nice, i left him with no room for doubt that I WAS NOT INTERESTED.

He talked to one of his roommates afterwards, and he said he was personally insulted! He wasn't used to it. USED to it! We've determined that this is true, that he really is a spoiled rich kid who is used to getting everything he wants all of the time. He bought his way out of the army for goodness sakes. Anyways, the roommates finally realized that i was super upset about things, and somehow managed to convince this guy that it wasn't MY fault that i wasn't interested in him....that all the things he was doing were very very WRONG. I've had no more troubles since...except for the whole, him inviting himself along on a trip he knew i was going on.... Really, i can't get over the fact that he really expected that he could always get whatever he wanted somehow. There's gotta be a life lesson in all this somewhere... it's just too bad that I had to be the one to teach it to him...


At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow.. CREEP! good for you tasha, u show him! next time, kick him in the nuts for me too. and shame on the boys for egging him on! jimmy u hear me? :P

At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. creepy weirdo.... find urself a creepy female....and bug her.....

oh and dont visit canada anytime soon....we dont like Mr. S's round here...


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